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About Us

Inspiration is Infinite!  Inspiration creates Innovation, Innovation creates New Lifestyle, and New Lifestyle creates New Inspiration.                                                                               quoted by Kenneth Zee

Our Story

When our founder, Kenneth Zee, was caring for his wheel-chair bound aging parents, he found his parents becoming increasingly losing appetite and emotionally discouraged from their limited immobility of caring for their own daily needs.


Kenneth searched globally for solutions. His parents liked sweets and would at least eat sweets even with decreased appetite. So he looked for healthy chocolates and cookies that were delicious and had the natural health ingredients to supplement health. He found none that was good enough for his parents. He also searched for natural lotions, wipes

and sanitizers that his parents can use to help them feel refreshed, but again he found none that could be used constantly without drying out the skin.

So Kenneth decided to make them.


With his chemical engineering background, Kenneth invented his own line of health products. Ans with some Japanese government funding him with patent process for four of his inventions, Kenneth developed water sanitizer spray and spray bottle that kills 99.9% of bacteria, and other products that assists in personal hygiene while being all natural and gentle to the skin.



zb chocolate 180831 m10 kern (1 of 1)
red oolong 161107 (1 of 1)-8
kashikoina bottle 210107 mp kern 7 c
kashikoina mask all 200908 1 c (1 of 1)
zblossom cookie 180803 m10 kern-2
WhatsApp Image 2020-06-29 at 16.50.43 (1)
rose water 170821 sl vario 28-90
kashikoina mask box 200626 mp240 kern 3 c
kashikoina mask case 2 c
bros180315 m10 noc 0.95
kashikoina blue bottle 210120 m10 kern 1 c
rosewater  @o 170913 (1 of 1)-2
rose tea 151207 mp240 apo 50
nano mist spray 210105 m10 kern 2 c
reishi 201006 mp240 kern 19 c
zblossom chco cookie 180722 m10 macro 50 1.8

See our patents








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   A47K 7/00 20060101AFI20190325BHJP









   B65D 51/28 20060101AFI20200622BHJP 

   B65D 81/32 20060101ALI20200622BHJP



Star Products Co., Ltd 

Crown Co., Ltd. 

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